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Getting your kids involved during Football Season

Game day, game day, game day! Football season is back and what’s more exciting than sitting on the couch, watching your favorite NFL or college football team win?! Maybe it’s getting your little one to join in on the fun.  Watching the great sport of football is such a great bonding experience and comes with an even greater opportunity to teach your kids many life lessons. Check out the post below for 3 ways to get your kids involved during football season.

American football is a great antidote for children. When you get your child engaged in a sport at a young age, you’re helping create a passion that could drive them to be the best that they can be. You are also instilling the values of being a gracious winner and loser. It’s great to teach this to children when they are young (although, easier said than done!)

Check out three ways to get your kid involved during football season:

#1: Half-Time Fun – Half time is a great opportunity to go outside and throw the football around. Show them the proper way to throw a football and how to grip it correctly, so they can grow up to become the greatest football player in their high school/college/possibly NFL team! Then show them how to properly catch a football. Maybe practice some fun drills for them.

#2: Play a game of football together - If you have more than one child, get them all together to play your own game of football. Create a fun way of picking team members and come up with fun team names. Instill a fun celebratory dance so it gets them excited when they score. A plus factor of teaching them how to play football is that you’ll be teaching your child about winning and losing.

#3: Going to a live game – There’s something unexplainable about being at a live football game. The crowd cheering over a touchdown, everyone booing or applauding over a call made by the ref, the music during half time, the food you get to eat from the concession stands. Why not introduce your child to that feeling when they’re young?

For more information on how to keep your parent game strong 💪, see Parent Pointers, a series of helpful articles, tips, and ideas.

Raising a child takes a village and we’re proud to be part of the tribe!

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